the final law
Who knows evermore, after all heretefore,
this is the day you show that much more.
Salt of the earth you may yet prove to be,
showing a glowing of coping and hoping.
Let the stars sparkle, in colorful bursts,
you must not allow them to do their worst.
Stand up and shout, and use what you've got,
Jump your voice loud, and you'll see what's what.
The world will hear you crystal clear
when you do it again even with no little fear
Climb into time and take your place
into history's call for your unique face
You've got the voice you've got the cares,
technology's power just add to your wares.
With focus upon that sweet one bit more,
your toying and ploying have hardly led to more.
Supplanting, digressing, choosing and losing
all of those moments are tools to be using.
You know just what's wrong and you claim to be strong,
Heaven is moved when you bang on the Door.
The person who knows this best of all
has a face to be found on your mirrored wall.
Look to the one who asks most of all,
and you've found a new answer for the final law.